October 23, 2013
Second Monthly Retirement Board Meeting
The Retirement Board May Discuss and Take Action on the Following:
- Pledge of Allegiance.
- Accept comments from the public.
- Approve the minutes from the September 4 and 11, 2013 meetings.
Presentation Material - Update from investment consultant regarding the finalists for the International Value Equity Manager search.
- Manager presentations:
8:45 – 9:30 MFS Investment Management
9:35 – 10:20 Schroders Investment Manager
10:20 – 10:35 Break
10:35 – 11:20 Pyrford International Ltd.
- Consider and take possible action on International Value Equity Manager.
Closed Session
- The Board will go into closed session under Gov. Code Section 54957 to consider recommendations from the Medical Advisor and/or staff regarding the following disability retirement applications:
Member Type Sought Recommendation Marie Espaniola Non-Service Connected Non-Service Connected Lisa Beaty Service Connected Service Connected - The Board will continue in closed session under Gov. Code Section 54959 to consider recommendation from the Hearing Officer regarding the disability application of Shirley Guyer.
Open Session
- Presentation by Transwestern on the Willows Office Building.
- Consider and take possible action regarding repairs and upgrades to the Willows Office Building as recommended by Transwestern.
- Miscellaneous
- Staff Report
- Outside Professionals’ Report
- Trustees’ comments
Related Links
The Willows Office Park
1355 Willow Way, Suite 221
Concord, California