March 28, 2012
Second Monthly Retirement Board Meeting

Meeting Agenda

The Retirement Board May Discuss and Take Action on the Following:

  1. Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Accept comments from the public.
  3. Approve minutes from the March 14, 2012 meeting.
    Presentation Material
  4. Presentation from Torchlight Debt Opportunities Fund IV.
    Presentation Material
  5. Consider and take possible action on Torchlight Debt Opportunities Fund IV.
    Presentation Material
  6. Consider and take possible action on staff recommendation to move assets from the INTECH Enhanced Plus Account to the INTECH Global Low Volatility Account.
    Presentation Material
  7. Presentation of 2011 Budget vs. Actual.
    Presentation Material
  8. Presentation of Cash Flow report 2011.
    Presentation Material
  9. Consider and take possible action on staff recommendation for Tradewinds portfolio.
    Presentation Material

Closed Session

  1. The Board will go into closed session under Gov. Code Section 54956.9(a) Board of Retirement v. County of Contra Costa, et al.

Open Session

  1. Consider authorizing the attendance of Board and/or staff:
    1. Spring Conference, SACRS, May 7 – 11, 2012, South Lake Tahoe, CA.
    2. Client Conference, Adams Street Partners, May 30 – 31, 2012, Chicago, IL.
  2. Miscellaneous
    1. Staff Report
    2. Outside Professionals’ Report
    3. Trustees’ comments
Retirement Board Conference Room
The Willows Office Park
1355 Willow Way, Suite 221
Concord, California