June 15, 2011
First Monthly Retirement Board Meeting
The Retirement Board May Discuss and Take Action on the Following:
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Accept comments from the public.
- Approve minutes from the June 1, 2011 meeting.
- Routine items for June 15, 2011.
Presentation Material- Approve certifications of membership.
- Approve service and disability allowances.
- Accept disability applications and authorize subpoenas as required.
- Approve death benefits.
- Presentation from Milliman on Asset Allocation
Presentation Material - Consider and take possible action on Asset Allocation Study.
- Update from Milliman on Small Cap Value search.
Presentation Material - Consider and take possible action on staff recommendation to
create a Retirement Counselor position.
Presentation Material - Consider and take possible action on Market Stabilization
Presentation Material - Consider authorizing the attendance of Board and/or staff:
- Fall meeting, Council of Institutional Investors, September 25 – 27, 2011, Boston, MA.
- Administrator’s Institute, CALAPRS, September 28 – 30, 2011, Huntington Beach, CA.
- Miscellaneous
- Staff Report
- Outside Professionals’ Report
- Trustees’ comments
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