April 11, 2012
First Monthly Retirement Board Meeting

Meeting Agenda

The Retirement Board May Discuss and Take Action on the Following:

  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Accept comments from the public.
  3. Approve minutes from the March 28, 2012 meeting.
    Presentation Material
  4.  Routine items for April 11, 2012.
    Presentation Material
    1. Approve certifications of membership.
    2. Approve service and disability allowances.
    3. Accept disability applications and authorize subpoenas as required.
    4. Approve death benefits.
  5. Presentation from The Segal Company regarding the 5 year projection of employer contribution rates.
    Presentation Material
  6. Educational presentation on payment options at retirement.
    Presentation Material
    1. Consider and take possible action on the SACRS Proxy Voting Form.
      Presentation Material
    2. Consider and take action on the proposed slate of SACRS officers for 2012-13.
      Presentation Material

Closed Session

  1. The Board will go into closed session under Gov. Code Section 54956.9(a) regarding Retirement v. County of Contra Costa, et al.

Open Session

  1. Consider authorizing the attendance of Board and/or staff:
    1. Annual Investors Meeting, EIF, Apr 30 – May 3, 2012, San Diego, CA
      (note conflict with Board meeting)
    2. Annual Conference, Siguler Guff, May 22 – 23, 2012, New York, NY
      (note conflict with Board meeting)
    3. Limited Partner Meeting, Bay Area Equity Fund, June 4, 2012, San Francisco, CA.
    4. Annual Meeting, Paladin, June 6, 2012, Washington D.C.
  2. Miscellaneous
    1. Staff Report
    2. Outside Professionals’ Report
    3. Trustees’ comments
Retirement Board Conference Room
The Willows Office Park
1355 Willow Way, Suite 221
Concord, California